3 Facts About Attending Esthetician School That You Should Know

If you are passionate about skin care, you should consider attending esthetician school. It is a specialty within the cosmetology field, and there is a strong emphasis on limiting the signs of aging through various beauty treatments. In addition, significant career growth is expected annually until at least 2022, and financial aid for your training is available at many esthetician schools.

#1- You May Need To Attend Just 300 Hours To Get Certified

It is important to note that the field of non-medical skin care is regulated by each state. Some states require as few as 300 hours of total training in order to take the state exam. That means that if you can be a full-time student, you could be ready to start your new career in just a few weeks.

For information about specific programs, including the length of training for your area and start dates for the school you ultimately choose, contact the esthetician school nearest you.

#2- Some Schools Offer All-inclusive Programs And Others Require You To Buy Your Own Kits And Materials

If you've previously considered a career in the beauty field, you may be aware that it's not unusual for the cost of supplies to be a big expense. Whether you are paying for your training personally or are eligible for financial aid, you undoubtedly want to keep your costs low.

Waxes, gloves, skin creams, scrubs and makeup are just a few of the expenses that can add up quickly. Therefore, it's important to determine the most cost-efficient way of obtaining your materials, and it will also be helpful to refer to the net price calculator for precise details relating to the expenses of your training.

#3- Federal Financial Aid, Including Student Loans, Is Often Available

One common concern about starting school as an adult is its cost. Therefore, you may be surprised to learn that even though esthetician school is typically brief, as previously mentioned, it is often still eligible for a variety of different forms of financial aid. The majority of financial aid that comes from the federal government is need-based. As a result, you are usually asked to provide information about recent tax returns, income and family size. In addition, you'll need to be in good standing with any previous federal school financial aid that you've gotten.

There are two types of Stafford loans currently available, and subsidized loans are given to more financially needy students. Interest on those funds doesn't accrue while you're in school. The good news is that even if you're not eligible for other financial aid, you may still be able to access Stafford subsidized loans. You may also be eligible for a Stafford unsubsidized loan, which accrues interest while training.

Pell grants are essentially free money that goes to the most financially disadvantaged students. As long as you successfully complete the training with an acceptable grade point average within 1 and 1/2 times the time frame it would normally take, you never have to pay it back. To get more information and see what kind of aid you can get, fill out your Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

In conclusion, esthetician school is an ideal option for anyone who wants to help people improve the tone, texture and appearance of their skin within the cosmetology field. It requires less time in college than some other certifications and is projected to need many new workers in the near future. Since financial aid is available for qualifying students at many skin care colleges, it's a great time to enroll in classes and start your future. If you are interested in this or any other type of beauty schools, it is helpful to talk to plenty of schools, like Cannella School of Hair Design, to narrow down your interests and decide what field you want to specialize in.
